Inside Mobile Legends | Patch 1.4.14 Spotlight | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!

Inside Mobile Legends | Patch 1.4.14 Spotlight | Mobile Legends: Bang Bang!


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A major update is coming to the Land of Dawn on Sep 17th! Why did the Son of Flames have a face-lift? Why was the Battle Spell "Heal" removed? What's the new challenge for Mythic Players? When will the new season start? Explore the latest episode of Inside Mobile Legends and find out the answers!

0:30 The Son of Flames Reborn from Fire
2:41 Battle Spells Major Revision
4:17 All-New Skill Display
4:30 All-New Mythic Division Rules
5:28 3-Ban Draft
5:47 Season 14 is Coming Soon
6:15 Upgraded Live Streaming Interaction
6:50 Speedy Version Fully Launched
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